Write For Us

Thank you for your interest in contributing to [CBD Online Magazine Name]. We welcome passionate writers, researchers, and industry experts to share their knowledge and insights with our readers. If you have a deep understanding of CBD and its potential benefits, we invite you to join our community and become a valued contributor.

Why Write for Us?

  1. Reach a Targeted Audience: [CBD Online Magazine Name] has an engaged audience of CBD enthusiasts, health-conscious individuals, and wellness seekers. By writing for us, you have the opportunity to share your expertise with a highly targeted audience that is actively seeking reliable information about CBD.
  2. Establish Yourself as an Authority: Showcase your knowledge and expertise in the CBD industry. Writing for [CBD Online Magazine Name] allows you to position yourself as a trusted authority and gain recognition within the CBD community.
  3. Contribute to Education and Awareness: Help us in our mission to educate and empower individuals in making informed decisions about their health and wellness journey. Your contributions will support our goal of providing accurate, reliable, and up-to-date information on high-quality CBD products and the industry.
  4. Gain Exposure and Expand Your Network: As a contributor, you will have the opportunity to showcase your work and gain exposure for your writing skills. Additionally, you’ll have the chance to connect with other like-minded professionals in the CBD industry, expanding your network and opening doors for potential collaborations.
  5. Showcase Your Writing Style: We value diverse perspectives and writing styles. By writing for us, you can showcase your unique voice and writing style, contributing to the richness and variety of our content.

Topics of Interest:

We cover a wide range of topics related to CBD. If you have expertise or a passion for any of the following areas, we encourage you to submit your work:

  • Science and Research: Stay updated on the latest scientific studies, clinical trials, and breakthroughs in CBD research.
  • Product Reviews: Provide honest and unbiased reviews of CBD products, highlighting their quality, effectiveness, and user experience.
  • Health and Wellness: Explore how CBD can support various aspects of well-being, including sleep, stress management, pain relief, and overall balance.
  • Industry News and Trends: Stay informed about regulatory developments, market trends, and notable events in the CBD industry.
  • Lifestyle and Recipes: Share your insights on incorporating CBD into daily life, including wellness practices, fitness routines, meditation techniques, and delicious CBD-infused recipes.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Original Content: We only accept original content that has not been previously published elsewhere.
  • Length and Formatting: Articles should typically range between 800 to 1,500 words. Please format your submission using subheadings, bullet points, and concise paragraphs for better readability.
  • Research and Citations: Ensure that your work is well-researched and supported by credible sources. Include proper citations and references where necessary.
  • Voice and Tone: Maintain a professional and informative tone while also infusing your unique voice and style.
  • Plagiarism: Plagiarism is strictly prohibited. All submissions will be checked for originality.
  • Bio and Headshot: Include a brief author bio (50-100 words) and a high-resolution headshot along with your submission.
  • Editing and Approval: Our editorial team will review your submission for quality, relevance, and adherence to our guidelines. We may provide edits and suggestions to enhance the article’s readability and accuracy.

How to Submit:

Please send your article as a Word document or Google Docs link to [email protected]. Use “Guest Post Submission” as the subject line. Our editorial team will review your submission, and if approved, we will notify you regarding the publication date.

We appreciate your interest in contributing to [CBD Online Magazine Name]. We look forward to collaborating with you and sharing your valuable insights with our readers. Together, we can continue to educate and inspire individuals on their CBD journey.

It’s Me and You is a print and online resource that was made to encourage, inspire and elevate your life in each and every aspect, from your overall health and wellness to using entrepreneurship to become the best business person you can be. Our primary audience comprises people who are business-oriented, health-conscious, and passionate about everything to do with nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle.

It’s Me and You covers a wide range of topics, ranging from innovative CBD-infused recipes to marketing tips for new business owners to the latest nutrition strategies to improve your diet. We write for people who are unapologetically themselves, dare to lead, and strive to dethrone the archetype of what it means to be healthy. We want to be the go-to resource for culture, fitness, business, and thoughtful insights into nutrition.

While we’re no strangers to a good fashion show or makeup editorial, you’re not going to find a lot of that in our publications. There are literally thousands and thousands of magazines out there in which you can find stuff like that over and over again, and we’re dedicated to standing out from the crowd, so that stuff just doesn’t fly in our mag.

Our main mission is to help our readers achieve one simple goal: success, whatever that may look like for them. If that sounds interesting to you, then we’d love to hear what you have to say. We are a steadily growing publication, and we are on the hunt for dependable freelance and full-time writers to contribute to our website on a regular basis.

When you write for us, your author profile will appear at the end of every article that you contribute, with direct links to your social media handles and website. We are also always eager to plug our readers online.

If you are an experienced business owner, then any contributions that you make to It’s Me and You will serve as excellent marketing for your goods and services. Or, if you are new to the world of writing and are passionate about what we’re passionate about, then we’re happy to help you grow your skills and add some bylines to your portfolio.

Applying With Us

If all of that sounds good to you, be sure to shoot an email the way of our editorial manager at [insert email address here].

Make sure that you write Freelance Submission in the subject line. We’d also like you to include three ideas for pitches in the body of the email – these are ideas that, if given the chance, you would love to write about for the next issue of It’s Me and You. These pitches only need to be 2 – 3 sentences each, and remember that the more specific you are, the better.
We’d also like you to include links to your previous work if you have any. If not, don’t worry about it! We’re all here to welcome new writers onto the team. Any subject matter works fine for this, even a personal blog – what’s important is that the examples you include truly reflect your best writing.

We must stress the fact that we are pretty strict when it comes to these applications. If your submission does not follow the guidelines mentioned above – including the subject line – then it will not be considered. This is a remote freelance position, and we are happy to accept applications from around the globe. We’re on the hunt for business owners and writers who are passionate about what they do.
If you are excited to develop with us in the long-term, building a consistent relationship, then we can safely say that you’re a perfect fit for It’s Me and You.